Key Terms and Takeaways: Topic A
Hey delegates!
We wanted to highlight some of the key terms and takeaways for topic A, to make researching a little bit easier and help you familiarize yourself with the topic. Topic A is about regulation of genome editing and CRISPR. Overall, there are some keywords that all delegates should be familiar with before attending conference.
Key Terms:
- CRISPR - A gene-editing tool that allows precise and efficient modifications of DNA using a guide RNA and the protein Cas9. It has numerous potential applications in medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology.
- Germline editing - Modifying the DNA of reproductive cells (eggs or sperm) to make changes that continue on with each generation.
- Accessibility - The ease of use and availability of the technology to researchers and the general public, especially in terms of price.
- Drawing the line - Determining what genetic alterations we should make and which we should leave out of our control.
CRISPR is a powerful tool with the potential for a lot of healing and good. However, there are several factors and implications that must be considered before its use. With germline editing, genetic changes are passed on to subsequent generations, meaning that any unknown issues with CRISPR will affect many more individuals who are unable to consent to changes. Additionally, CRISPR remains an expensive technology, so its current and future applications may only be accessible to a select few wealthy. This would only widen current societal gaps in healthcare and potential to succeed. Another debate topic is that of drawing the line; CRISPR can already heal many harmful diseases, but many are unsure how to decide which diseases warrant genetic intervention, and whether we should go beyond healing and create "designer babies" when the technology comes. All of these topics require extensive discussion when deciding how CRISPR research should continue and how it should be used.
Hopefully, after familiarizing yourself with the key terms and takeaways you feel a little more comfortable with the topic! If you have any further questions or concerns do not hesitate to reach out to us!
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